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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Zazzle's New Logo Not So Dazzling!

In case you didn't notice, Zazzle, the marketplace that sell customizable good like shoes, ties etc. has changed their branding strategy. The logo is supposed to attract the modern market with its "hip" features as the Creative director mentions it. I must say that it looks too bold for a marketplace, while I love the new web design. I feel like they tried too hard to communicate with the audience while totally mistaking them. I kinda miss the old Zazzle feel of the logo as it was easier to absorb and remember with the great spacing and a really brandable mark.

As I mentioned before, I do like the website design. I think the pages were taken very well taken into consideration for the planning of the content. I liked how they have really transformed it into more of a community rather than just a marketplace. Clean and simple, but at the same time, I will miss the star dazzling among the letters.

Check out the website here.

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